Cool Beans with Awesome Sauce (CBAS) is seeking sponsors for its current animated short releases including, "County Council" (click to view). CBAS is offering 15-30 second ad spots pre-video to provide our sponsors with maximum visibility from our viewers; an ad will play uninterrupted before the viewer can watch the animated short. The information below details our attracted audience, its purchasing power and why sponsorship with CBAS would be a great opportunity to promote your organization's products and services.
Our audience is majority male, ages 18 to 24 (83%), with most viewership in the U.S. coming from the states of California, Texas, Florida and New York. The second leading age demographic of our audience is 25- to 34-year-olds at 15.5%. See the graphics below showing audience data on Instagram from our "County Council" viewership.

In its first three months of release (February - May 2022), "County Council" has received over 12,000 views from moderate promotion. The feedback from our audience has been positive, indicating that viewers have been receptive to this new content. The promotions for our content, target audiences for similar shows broadcasted on Cartoon Network, including Teen Titans Go! and The Amazing World of Gumball. Cartoon Network's recent advertisers have included:
McDonald's | Fast Food
Fruit Loops (Kellogg's) and Honey-Comb (Post Holdings) | Breakfast Cereal
Tide and Downy |Laundry Detergent - Household Care
Allegra | Over-the-counter Pharmaceuticals
See snapshots of our audience feedback below as well as our audience targets:

Service: 15- to 30-second video ads or image ads with voiceover to be played, uninterrupted, before a County Council view
If your organization does not have a video ad to be displayed, CBAS can offer creation of 15-second image to be played with voiceover (e.g., "Sponsored by XXXXX, [slogan here]")
$0.05 per view for a 15-second ad (e.g., $0.05 x 10,000 video views = $500), billed monthly
$0.10 per view for a 30-second ad, billed monthly
Sponsors can set a budget cap on their ad orders to not exceed a certain threshold of spending (e.g., 30-second ad purchased not to exceed a budget of $700)
If interested in a sponsorship, please complete this short form.
According to the National Center for Education Statistics, the 18-24 age group represents just over 30 million consumers in U.S. who, per VisualCapitalist, spend almost 95% of their average $31,000/year income. Based on data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, compared to all age groups, 18- to 24-year-olds have among the highest, if not the highest spending shares on food, food away from home, clothing and healthcare. Shares compare the amount the age group spends on a given item compared to their income.