Purchase a banner (picture) ad that will be displayed on a desired CBAS video game page or the first 25% of the CBAS book of your choice. The price represents the cost to run the ad for one day. To have the ad run for multiple days, please update the number of units purchased. Each unit represents 1 day (ex: Quantity of "6" means ad will run for 6 consecutive days from start date).
Ad purchases must be made no less than 2 days prior to the first day desired for the ad to run.
Book/Video Game Ad - 1 Day
Book/Video Game Ad: Submit your book/video game ad to admin@coolbeanswithawesesome.com. The ad should be a .jpg or .png file with 1024x1024 resolution. The ad will be reviewed for appropriateness by CBAS and if approved, will be processed. Confirmation of ad approval will be sent to the email address that submitted the ad picture file. If the ad is rejected, CBAS will refund the purchase in full within 5 business days.